Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Technical Support Horror Story of the Day

Everything bad comes in threes. Much like celebrity deaths, the same happens when working technical support. I'm not exactly sure what the hell is going on at work this week and why I'm even involved! I guess computer systems across the country had too much turkey to eat over the long weekend.

1. So your server dies over the weekend and somehow it's my responsibility to "fix" your system? Medical software is what you pay us to support, not your crappy Snap Server. Basically I spent most of the day Monday walking a medical office receptionist, over the phone, through getting her network up and running. Good times.

2. Another office upgrades their system with all new computers. On this occasion I'm dealing with their hardware tech. Should be a breeze. Everything I've told him to do has been done but they are unable to open our software program through the network. Permission issues I say. Couldn't be he says. He has done everything I've told him to do and like Santa Claus he's checked his list twice. So I bang my head against the wall for most of yesterday afternoon and I'm stumped. This morning I call the client and log into their server and look over their set up. The permissions on the shared directory for our software was not set up correctly after I had been assured yesterday they had checked and rechecked it. I forgot the number one rule of technical support: the customer lies. In this case I was too naive to believe a hardware professional was telling me the truth.

3. Today I'm expected to be Medicare. I have no clue why you can't download your electronic EOB's (explanation of benefits). Again, I do not work for Medicare and the information you're wanting is completely independent of the software I support! I guess it's easier for me to queue for three days waiting for a return call from the government Payor.

I hate people. Maybe I'm in the wrong profession. Actually I'm really good at what I do, I'm patient and pleasant and I never make anyone feel like they're asking a stupid question. I should've been an actor!

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