Friday, October 09, 2009

200th Post Extravaganza!

This posting is number 200 for this blog! It only took a little over four years to reach the milestone, granted I have been a lot more active this year than in previous years. In honor of the occasion I thought I would provide a list of my top 10 postings over the years. Here is the Top 10 postings from Dave's World (Bitter Party of One Your Table is Ready!):

#10 - Fuck you... fuck you very, very much... The posting that started it all, again. Earlier in the year I had planned on giving up the blog as I had nothing interesting to say. This changed when I ran across the video in the posting. Suddenly I was back and more productive than ever. Other postings that contain the word fuck in the title can be found here and here.

#9 - Technical Support Horror Story of the Day A series of sorts. I love reading about the misadventures of support people and restaurant war stories because they are so true and usually funny. This is my contribution. There are two other support horror stories that can be found here and here. I plan to continue with these kinds of posts as soon as I'm given some more material from the fools I talk to at work every day.

#8 - With Friends Like This... I always seem to talk about the same people, Dann, Shimmy, J-Ho, Butter, etc. These are my friends! Without them I wouldn't have an audience to write to or about. In this particular post I think it's funny that we have a string of birthdays that never seem to end starting in November and ending in April.

#7 - Seven Tips for Camping Out for a Wii or PS3 So this post isn't original to me but it's still one of my favorites. I actually did camp out at Best Buy in November of '06 for a Nintendo Wii. It was a blast and a great memory. Shimmy also wrote a blog posting about it here.

#6 - My Jury Duty Experience I like reading postings like this. Short, sweet and to the point, detailing an everyday event we all experience that usually turns out to be wretched!

#5 - The Chinese New Year Has Gone To The Dogs Poor Shimmy. He has been the butt of many posts and jokes over the years... I love it!

#4 - Palin to resign as Alaska governor! It's easy to have something to post about with Sarah Palin around. I have one other post about the self anointed "hockey mom" that can be found here. I'm sure she'll be providing a lot more material for me to comment on in the future.

#3 - Would you like some ranch with that? I hate ranch salad dressing. I hate people who have to eat it on everything. I hated serving it to people when I waited tables. I just hate people.

#2 - Great Big Stuff! I get a kick out of this post every time I go back and read it. Not only is it kind of funny (at least I think so) but I also enjoy the interaction from others on the topic/post. Part of the reason a blog appealed to me initially was having some sort of spring board for discussion. I really miss Bruce blogging and commenting, sadly he has disappeared from this realm of my life. I do get a chance to see him from time to time in person though.

#1 - Loralei How could I not pick this post as my favorite? Casey is one of my favorite people in the world (if not my favorite)! I can't believe my little niece is a real person who is a married mommy with responsibilities and a life and all that shit.

Honorable Mention - Dave's World The first post I ever made. It all started with an email from my niece Brandy. The rest is history...

I've had a great time maintaining this blog over the last four years. Thanks to everyone who continues to read and comment. If anyone out there has some favorite moments of their own from this blog or anything else to add, please post a comment!


Dann said...

Congrats on the 200th post!!

Casey said...

Awww! I'm gonna teach her to torment you first before you get to start picking!!
I'm sending her your way as we speak! Lol
this made me teary!